Dispatcher’s direct line
Calling the direct line is the fastest way to get your name on the Out of Work List. You can leave a message with your information.
We have shifted to a new database that includes an online portal for members. This will give you the ability to put your name on and to take your name off the OWL (out of work list). (opcmia528.unionimpact.com). Sign up now using the link below:
To gain employment through the Local, your name and current phone number must be on the Out of Work List.
Going to Work: Work orders are filled from the names listed on the Out-of-Work List, beginning at the top and working down the list. Call (206) 900-7822, Speak clearly, giving your name, current phone number and status (Cement Masons or Plasterer…Journeyman or Apprentice), to place your name on the Out-Of-Work List online see the button above.
Unemployment: Local 528 is recognized by the Washington State Employment Security Department as a full referral hiring union. Membership in this union generally meets the work search requirements for eligibility of unemployment benefits. Verification from the Union that a member is eligible for dispatch under Union rules is required. Failure to be available for, or refusal of a dispatch, can result in questions of eligibility for unemployment benefits.
You must be ready, able and willing to immediately accept any suitable work offer, be in good standing with the Union and do whatever the Union requires to be referred to work.
Dispatch Rules
1. Journeyman Cement Masons are not allowed to solicit work. If you are seeking employment, you must first put your name on the Out-of-Work list.
3. If you do not answer your phone on two successive occasions when you are called for dispatch, whether or not we leave a message, your name will be removed from the Out of Work list.
4. If you refuse a dispatch, your name will immediately go to the bottom of the hiring list and you shall be denied the right of immediate dispatch.
5. Your name will be dropped from the list for failure to check in within 9 days of placing your name on the list. (Checking in once a week is a lot easier to remember - every Monday or Friday, for example.)
6. If you return to work YOU MUST remove your name from the Out of Work List.
7. Always carry proper identification to work - your valid Social Security card and your valid Washington State driver's license, ID or passport.
8. Be ready to be dispatched to work. Dispatch starts at 4:00 am. Have a pen and paper by your phone and be ready to take the dispatch.
9. If you accept a dispatch that is described as a “Drug Tested Job”, and you refuse to take the drug test, you will be automatically fined $100.00. (Est. 9/7/2021)
10. Most jobs require a Clean Card or drug test. It is to your benefit to get a Clean Card and be able to test clean at all times.
* A member will be fined $100.00 for every “NO CALL - NO SHOW”, per dispatch rules. (Est. 9/7/2021) *
OP&CMIA Local #528 is a full service Local that represents Washington in the majority of the western counties. It also extends to some portions of the eastern counties for the Plasterers. Plasterers Local 77 was merged with Local 528 in December of 2005. All officers of the Local have worked within our trade. The term “full service” means the Local coordinates the joint efforts of its staff to represent our members, promote training and organize within our industry. Under these broad headings are included many services to the membership, including, but not limited to, contract negotiations, contract enforcement, advanced training and certifications, guaranteed wage and benefit levels and guarding our work and jurisdiction.
For members traveling outside of the “free zone” here are the Per Diem guidelines per our CBA.
SCHEDULE “C” TRAVEL CONDITIONS - SECTION 2. Daily travel remuneration shall be paid on jobs located outside of the free zone computed from the City Hall of the following listed cities: Everett, Seattle, Tacoma or the employee’s residence. Effective - Contract Renewal 0 to 35 radius miles Free Greater than 35 to 45 radius miles $15.00 Greater than 45 to 55 radius miles $20.00 Greater than 55 to 70 radius miles $35.00 Greater than a 70-mile radius $65.00
Local 72
Local 72 has been providing the area with qualified hands for over 100 years. opcmia72.org
Local 555
Local 555 has been supplying hundreds of Cement Masons for decades. cementmasons555.com